Development of computer vision systems and multimodal data analysis
for industry and research projects.
Data engineering for synchronized LiDAR and camera data
collection, calibration, curation and annotation for 3D perception
from infrastructure in Prof.
Christoph Stiller's MRT research group
Training and optimization of SOTA Deep Learning models
for 3D object detection and semantic segmentation.
Community advocate in
Andrew Ng’s
DeepLearning.AI platform, where I talk about relevant topics
related to Machine Learning,
AI, current projects I am working on, career
advice for new people in the field of AI, and the latest news
in the industry.
Mentor in Tensorflow Developer Professional Certificate Specialization,
providing support for the community and helping students in the process
of obtaining their certificate.
Computer vision systems for aerospace industry with Machine Learning / Deep Learning techniques
Modelling, control and coordination of a multi-robot system for intelligent transport. Integration of a collaborative manipulation system based on the UR3 robot
One of the Spanish top students granted with FPU fellowship from the Education Ministry
GPA: 9.72 / 10 and Honors in 2 subjects
GPA: 9.06 / 10. Honors in 15 subjects.
Best Academic Record in Master in Robotics and Automation
Best Paper Award Finalist in the Computer Vision field for "Vehicle re-identification with Deep Learning techniques" in the JJAA 2022
Best academic record in Industrial Electronics Engineering (2018-2020)
Best academic record in the Industrial Electronics Engineering degree 2019-2020.
Best End-of-Degree Thesis Award for "Modelling, control and optimization of an autonomous multi-robot system for intelligent transport"
Best academic record in the Industrial Electronics Engineering degree
Award for the best academic record in the Industrial Engineering Degrees (2016 - 2018)
Best Selectividad grade in the Engineering Degrees (13.55/14). Later renewals because of academic record